Different lyrics, same tune

Dear Editor:

Now we have to worry about the school buildings! When does it stop?

The High School is as ugly as they come. It’s depressing to just walk around and into it. For that alone I wouldn’t mind seeing it replaced, provided we could do better. But seeing as changing the color of the bricks passes for architecture around here, I doubt that we could. Tearing down Demarest however, would be crime. As a place of education, what do we teach by throwing away what we can’t afford to replace? Perhaps we shouldn’t have restored the Statue of Liberty, when something in stucco would have been cheaper?

Consider also why these schools are adjacent to parks? Changing the use of these sites would be like turning farmland into condos. If these sites are under used at present, put the effort into a temporary use, such as Charter schools, artist studios, and other, and husband the resource should the child population grow as has the town.

Remember penny wise and pound foolish!

F. Haas


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