Cardenas bids farewell to St. Joe’s Long-time baseball coach retires to tend to new business

It’s almost an unthinkable scenario, the idea that Manny Cardenas won’t be coaching baseball any longer at his beloved alma mater, St. Joseph of the Palisades in West New York.

Cardenas has been as much a part of St. Joseph Blue Jays baseball as the ball itself for the better part of the last two decades. He’s the most identifiable figure the program has ever had, even if he stands about as high as Michael J. Fox.

Manny Cardenas and St. Joseph baseball went together like peanut butter and jelly, like Abbott and Costello, like Fred and Barney. You could never think of one without the other. You just naturally thought that Cardenas would be coaching baseball at St. Joe’s until he was too old to pick up a fungo bat.

But the end came last week, when Cardenas had to reluctantly resign his duties to concentrate on his new job in the food service business.

"With the new job, I just didn’t have the time," said Cardenas, who was the head coach at St. Joseph for the last 18 seasons. "When I came to the decision that I couldn’t do it anymore, it was one of the saddest days of my life. I really didn’t want to leave. It’s one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made. But business is business and I have to do what’s right for my family."

For 15 years, Cardenas would constantly battle the better teams in Hudson County, never one to duck an opponent. His Blue Jay teams would give the powerhouse teams in the area everything they could ask for – and then some. His teams were well drilled, well schooled and definitely well coached.

Three years ago, St. Joseph moved into the HCIAA Seglio Division, which was organized for the smaller schools of the county and named after the legendary grandfather of St. Joseph athletics, the late Marty Seglio.

It was a move that transformed the St. Joseph baseball team.

"For 15 years, we didn’t win a championship," Cardenas said. "Then, we move to the Seglio and we won three straight. I’m really proud of that."

Cardenas told his team of his decision last week.

"It was very hard to face the boys and tell them," Cardenas said. "At least I’m leaving a strong program. The team that I’m leaving can compete with anybody. They’re going to be stronger than ever."

The new coach will inherit a team that features All-State third baseman Gil Zayas, who was the Hudson Reporter Player of the Year for 2002.

"They’re going to be able to challenge with the big boys in the county," Cardenas said.

Cardenas is not totally going away. He will remain with the school as a baseball advisor, helping athletic director Mike Scerbo with scheduling.

"I’ll still be there," Cardenas said. "I’m not leaving altogether. I just won’t be an everyday coach."

Cardenas credited his wife, Odalys, and his 13-year-old daughter Michelle, for putting up with his crazy coaching schedule over the years.

"They put up with my long hours for all those years," Cardenas said. "Still, they didn’t want me to quit. My daughter was probably sadder than I was. But they know it’s for the best."

It might be the best for the Cardenas family, but it’s a major loss for Hudson County baseball, because Manny Cardenas is simply one of the classiest and most respected coaches to ever grace the local diamonds. His talents and his personality will be sorely missed, by both the Blue Jays and the remainder of the local sports fraternity alike. – Jim Hague


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