Anti-war protest was too small!

Dear Editor:

The anti-war demonstrators in Washington, D.C. all deserve peace prizes only if just to appreciate their braving the bitter cold. The turnout was pitiful and assuming many were there because Rev. King Jr. Day drew much black participation, the whites and others should be ashamed to say they belong to the human race. Even reports of demonstrations world-wide dwarfed USA involvement, and I offer the following comparison.

The potential for triggering off a nuclear planetary holocaust is in the making if Iraqi war occurs, so the apathy in this country emphasizes my charge that Americans in general operate via “business as usual” and appear like walking zombies, as I see it.

In Venezuela, the country, in forces that make ours feeble, are braving starvation simply for economic reasons for two long months. Their participation seems to be of people with spirit and life in contrast to dead at heart and spirit in the USA where the issue is of possible extinction of the human race and not just bread and butter issues. Shame on us!

Angelo Nanfro


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