Dear Editor:
The Board of Commissioners and I are pleased to report the recently-mailed tax bills remained the same with “no increase” in your tax payments. This is good news for all –property owners and tenants alike.
This was a difficult budget yet we were still able to decrease the overall budget by $886,000, continuing our commitment of trying to save money wherever we can. What makes us most pleased is increasing services — upgrading our parks, paving streets, cleaning streets, accessible elected officials when you need assistance — while achieving this budget.
The financial mess we inherited from past administrations when we took office is frustrating for the commissioners and me. Please keep in mind the city’s net debt when we came into office was almost $34 million, and we have so far reduced the city’s net debt to approximately $31 million through the refinancing of bonds, taking advantage of lower interest rates and making regular payments on time. This is part of our promise to run the city in a more business-like manner and to make wise financial decisions with the long-term benefit of the city in mind.
We still cannot understand what our city has to show for all of this debt. Can you imagine someone giving you a credit card with a prior balance that you must pay but did not spend?
Our city is still under State review – all purchasing, spending and hiring must be approved by the State. In one of my recent trips to Trenton, fighting for State aid ( money from the State for our city), I met with State officials who praised what we are trying to do for our city. Other good things happening in our city and helping to stabilize future taxes are the new development taking place in our city, the increasing of our surplus (money in the bank) for any emergency and most important, the fact that our city is not operating with a deficit as it was when we came into office.
Financial stabilization of our city has been our priority, yet we have not forgotten the many other important issues such as quality of life, police on our streets, maintaining a professional manner in all city departments and the Commissioners and I putting in long days, nights and weekends to make our city a little better each day.
We are disappointed that the State is cutting our municipal aid to $4 million. This in unfortunate. As your mayor, I made at least eight trips to Trenton on behalf of our city. It deeply disturbs me that our current Assemblyman was never available to go with me nor raised a finger on behalf of our city and on behalf of his own constituents. This cannot and should not be tolerated. As your mayor, it would be wrong for me not to address this issue with you shortly.
While the Commissioners and I are pleased there is no increase in tax payments, we will not rest until our city is in the best financial condition possible. We thank you and ask for your continued patience. It will take time but we will continue, day by day, to improve our city. This is a long-term goal that will be achieved.
We would like to thank you, the residents, property owners, municipal employees and volunteers who have all been patient, who did a little more to help the community and gave us your support. A special thank you to Commissioner Irizarry, Commissioner Rivas, Commissioner Leggiero and Commissioner Martin for all their hard work.
Union City is on the right path. We are a great community with, no doubt, some problems, but working together to make it the best it can be.
Thank you for your trust and for allowing us to serve you.
Brian P. Stack