Keim gonna vote for her

Dear Editor:

I wasn’t going to write a letter this week but then my mail came and there was a political flyer in my box. I feel safe to say that everyone got the same mailing questioning Ines Garcia Keim’s record on education, and overdevelopment.

First of all I have known Ines and her family for years. Ines is a person I admire very much for her accomplishments in both her personal and professional life. She is a classic overachiever. She has been employed for years with of New Jersey’s most important corporations. Her intelligence and work ethic got her through Columbia University. Despite being a busy working mom she still found the time to help fight 1600 Park Ave. and come to planning and zoning meetings.

The flyer also suggested she has not supported our public schools. Well I think you should all know that Ines actually was a founding board member of the Hoboken Charter School. The fact that she still has children in the public school system combined with her personal history should be enough to prove she values education. Ines also has helped local teens attend college by raising thousands of dollars in scholarships.

To me Ines is the best person to represent the fifth ward. She already represents what I love about my neighborhood.


John Branciforte


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