The people have prevailed and have finally won!

Dear Editor:

Governor James E. McGreevey and NJDEP Commissioner Brad Campbell are heroes and champions of Liberty State Park for terminating the 17-year-old Development Corp. (Donald Kelly’s 5/4 story, “A new era for LSP”). Their historic decision begins a positive era for this urban state park, which is sacred land because of its location next to Lady Liberty and Ellis Island, its NYC skyline and harbor views, and its rare urban open space. They have liberated this special American public land with its extraordinary potential as a free spiritual, recreational, natural, cultural and historic resource.

The people have finally won the 27-year-battle for a Central Park-type park and against commercialization and privatization plans for this waterfront oasis which opened on Flag Day in 1976 as NJ’s bicentennial gift to the nation.

New Jerseyans’ passionate and persistent fighting for a free park shows that democratic action does make a difference. The might of the people’s voice has prevailed. Deep gratitude is owed by future generations to all the individuals and local and statewide organizations, including Communications Workers of America #1037, that fought many negative battles to prevent the ruination of this American green jewel. I single out Greg Remaud, president of LSP Conservancy, a close ally of The Friends, for his strong park advocacy. We hope to serve with others who are dedicated to representing the public’s interests on the new Public Advisory Committee whose mission will be to focus on all park plans and issues.

Deserving of thanks for their clear call for the termination of the public be damned Corporation are these elected officials and candidates, alphabetically: Bayonne Mayor and Assemblyman Joe Doria, Councilman Steve Lipski, Assemblyman candidate Lou Manzo, Freeholder Bill O’Dea and Councilman Mariano Vega.

Continued citizen involvement and vigilance is essential every step of the way in guiding the park’s progress and getting public funds and private sector grants for LSP. Lastly, I thank Donald Kelly for his wide-ranging story of this park turning point and The Reporter for their steady park coverage over the years.

One minor correction to the story is that the park’s year-round shuttle bus system is on a 20- minute schedule between 5/1 and 9/30, with stops at the Light Rail Station and around the park. Come out and enjoy the people’s park.

Sam Pesin
President of Friends of Liberty State Park


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