HC Board of Chosen Freeholders is fortunate to have Sal Vega as its chairman

Dear Editor:

AAA North Jersey urges motorists to properly care for their tires throughout the year. A recent survey indicated that many motorists do not know the proper tire pressure for their tires and are not checking the tires on a regular basis. “National Tire Safety Week, April 27 through May 3, 2003 is a good time to remind drivers that it only takes five minutes a month to check a vehicle’s tires,” said William Visser, manager of Public and Government Services at North Jersey.

Keeping tires at the recommended inflation pressure will help reduce the risk of tire failure, while checking the tread is important to guarantee sufficient traction. Research by the Rubber Manufacturers Association, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and AAA has shown that one in four passenger cars, and one in three light trucks/SUVs has at least one significantly under-inflated tire, totaling nearly 60 million vehicles. Studies by NHTSA have also found that 9 percent of passenger cars have at least one bald tire.


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