Bush, ‘The Innovator’

Dear Editor:

I’m not an expert historian but I’ve read a sizable amount of it.

My idea of dictators, what most people classify as totalitarian regimes; i.e. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, etc. etc., all under various types of one man rule is as follows:

Dictators set themselves as experts on what’s good for the people based on his inner instinct and emotions. There is no room for dissention because the inspirations emerge from Godly revelations. Of course that assumes that this dictator is thy God, thy only God, and then shalt not obey any other or even contemplate any variation.

Now it has become our good fortune to be blessed by such an innovative genius though utterly insensitive. In my limited reading of history I’ve never run across what I’m going to call a unique category. Our leader is the first known, I think, “Democratic Dictator.”

With most of the world differing, with a majority of Americans objecting or marching with peace signs (no war) only our leader has received a God sent spiritual revelation of what’s good for the people, the world and the universe. Miraculously, through heaven’s goodness, we have the first Democratic Dictator. God Bless America.

Angelo Nanfro


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