Willie Wolfe honored on his 70th birthday

Dear Editor:

I was honored to be present on September 20 at Washington Park for the naming of the “Willie Wolfe Lane” where both our County Executive Thomas A. DeGise and our Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham officiated and were welcomed by all present. Mayor Cunningham related his experiences as a young police officer in Jersey City with then Sheriff William J. Wolfe. I was further honored and privileged to serve as the master of ceremonies at Willie Wolfe’s birthday celebration on September 21 at the Casino in the Park where federal, state, county and municipal officials, past and present honored Willie on his 70th birthday. It was gratifying to see former County Executive and Freeholder Edward F. Clark and former Freeholder Robert H. Slade be there for their friend Willie.

A society and people are judged by their treatment of the young and senior populations within — for over 50 years our Willie Wolfe has, on a day-to-day basis provided the best for all of the young and seniors within Jersey City. Willie has sponsored Little League teams, an annual Holiday Party for all children every year and day to day he has bettered the lot of all people. It was well noted that at Washington Park at the naming of the lane after this great benefactor, there were hundreds of children and senior residents present to honor Willie.

Willie is a devoted husband, father and all around family man — he has never accumulated great wealth, but he has certainly for over half a century given of himself on a daily basis. All of us who have come into contact with Willie are blessed with his sharing and caring; may Willie continue his great works for many, many years to come. God Bless our Willie Wolfe.

Robert B. Knapp


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