Make the VFW ‘your’ organization…

Dear Editor: As we approach Veterans Day, we at the Samuel R. Shelton Post in Jersey City, as well as all Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, are cognizant of the tremendous sacrifices our men and women in uniform have made throughout the history of this great nation. As such, it gives us great pleasure to extend this open invitation to all troops returning from Iraq and other foreign theaters to join the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Veterans of all wars are equally welcome. Why join?

We are the veterans’ advocate and have helped make today’s veterans’ benefits a reality. Your support helps us continue that path.

Membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars entitles you to a free $1,000/$1,500 personal accident protection policy; personal assistance securing government benefits and entitlements for veterans and consumer discounts on vision, dental and chiropractic care and prescriptions. Membership also enables you to join the VFW Credit Union.

Get involved. Make the VFW your organization.

For further information please contact either of the following persons: Howard M. Smith, 201-724-7068 or 201-451-3859, 9½ Grant Avenue, Apt. 1L, Jersey City, or Herman Johnson, 201-433-4424 or 201-779-7468, 18 Freedom Place, Jersey City, NJ 07305.

Respectfully yours,
Howard M. Smith, Commander
Samuel R. Shelton Post No. 2294


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