Just another reason why I live in Hoboken…

Dear Editor:

Last week was my son’s first full week of nursery school at the All Saints’ Abbott program in Brandt School. I was terrified. Letting go of my three-year-old is a gut-wrenching, guilt-ridden, profoundly sad experience. But the process was made so much easier by the skill and affection of the school’s teachers and staff. Miss Lyuda and Miss Dayana are remarkable in their ability to comfort my little boy and in one short week, he has gone from really scared to mildly nervous. The family worker, Justyna has made sure I take my separation anxiety out of the building at the right time and Margaret, the security guard and Sonya, the crossing guard, have welcomed us warmly each and every morning. This is public school at its best.

I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the women of the 1200 block of Bloomfield Street who have calmed me down and talked me through this parental milestone; just like they did when he was teething, when we failed at the Faber method, and when he wouldn’t get his hair cut. This is why I live in this town.

Any Kleisner


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