Dear Editor:
Over the last year I have been asked repeatedly why I joined Tony Soares in his ‘break’ with Mayor Roberts, Ruben Ramos and Hoboken United. My answer is always the same. We didn’t break from them, they broke the promises of good government that got us all elected, and in so doing, broke with us.
Now I am being asked why Tony and I seem to have ‘joined’ with the Russos. This very question again misses the point.
We are supporting the same positions we have always held – hiring responsibly, facing up to financial reality, and demanding accountability. Yet now when the vote is called it is Terry Castellano and even, while he served, Anthony Russo who vote with us, not Ruben Ramos and the other ‘Hoboken United’ Councilpersons.
There is a crucial election in the Third ward on Tuesday November 4. Three candidates are running. Two, Rosanne Andruela, and Vinny Addeo have supported Mayor Roberts without question. Both have refused to challenge this administration’s duplicity in financial matters. Both have supported mortgaging our children’s future by increasing long-term obligations by millions of dollars, in order to provide a quick fix to City finances.
While both Rosanne and Vinny may be fine people, neither has demonstrated the slightest independence, or willingness to make the hard choices that Hoboken so desperately needs. Electing either would give Mayor Roberts a six vote lock, allowing him to do whatever he likes to our City in order to secure his own re-election – however damaging to our long-term survivability and quality of life.
Which leaves just one candidate: Michael Russo. In the past weeks Michael has been vocal in opposition to the ill-conceived $45 million bond issue, and other instances of administration chicanery. His support of Tony and I has been constant and welcomed.
I am well aware of the charges facing his father, and of Anthony Russo’s many other outrageous actions over the years. But I also recognize that Michael has been implicated in none of this.
It may well be that there are people in the Third ward better qualified than Michael to serve on the City Council. But their names are not on the ballot. Michael Russo is saying all the right things. Can I be sure he will follow through? No. There are no guarantees. But both Vinny and Rosanne have proved they would be rubber stamps. He’d have to work pretty hard to be worse.
If you support accountable government in Hoboken, and you live in the Third ward, there is really only one choice. Please remember to vote for Michael Russo, next Tuesday, for City Council.
Councilwoman Carol Marsh
Hoboken Alliance
for Accountable Government