‘On the Waterfront’ exhibit begins at the Hoboken Historical Museum

Dear Editor:

“On the Waterfront” is part of Hoboken’s lore and history. Opening on Sunday, January 18th from 3 to 5 p.m., the Hoboken Historical Museum, Hudson St. at 13th, will kick off its three-month long exhibit about the movie, Hoboken and all of the elements that make this story historic.

At this point, I would also like to make you aware that the City of Hoboken’s Historian, Mr. Leonard Luizzi, will be with the aid of Mayor David Roberts’ office, preparing a two-day event in March to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the film and the start of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the incorporation of Hoboken as a city.

Budd Schulberg, the Academy Award winning author will participate. There will be a showing of the documentary made of each film location in Hoboken and, of course, the Marlon Brando film will be shown. Residents will be able to participate in a panel discussion as well as hear talks from old Hoboken residents who themselves were actors in the film.

Many remember that River Street was once called the “old Barberry coast.” Please visit the Museum for the current show and keep on the look out for announcements regarding further events including Friday, Jan. 23 at 7 p.m., “Labor Priests and Longshoremen” with Dr. James Fisher and Sunday, Feb. 29th at 3 p.m., “A History of the Port of Hoboken” with Stephen Marshall.

Richard R. Widdicombe
President, The Board of Trustees
Hoboken Historical Museum


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