Spring semester of the Secaucus Adult School features a handful of new and special events along with the staple of the courses that have made the school a popular nighttime venue over the last decade.
Although there may be additions along the way, there are currently three Adult School pleasure trips on this season’s schedule.
On Sunday, April 25, the school features a trip to see “The Boys from Oz” at the Broadway Theatre. The cost is $110 per person and covers ticket and transportation from Secaucus.
On Saturday, June 5, the school features a springtime Dinner at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, N.Y. This trip includes a visit to Val Kill, the cottage home of Eleanor Roosevelt after her husband’s death. The dinner will be held at the American Bounty Room of the Culinary Institute where chefs of tomorrow will prepare a lavish and elegant luncheon. In afternoon, the tour will visit the Franklin Delanor Roosevelt Museum and later the garden and graves of the former president and his wife.
Perhaps the most ambitious trip of the Adult School’s history will feature a cruise on the Norwegian Dawn during the week of Aug. 15 to 22. This ship has 10 restaurants featuring a wide range of food styles as well as an on-board art collection with works by Renoir, van Gough, Matisse and Monet. The seven-day trip from New York City to the Florida and the Bahamas and back includes four ports of call, beautiful beaches and theme parks.
Hudson County Community College will offer courses at the Adult School in subjects such as sociology, accounting, college composition, psychology and others. These courses start on Feb. 4 with late registration scheduled for Feb. 2 at the Jersey City campus. For more information about this, call (201) 714-2167.
Adult school also features numerous courses starting in early February, including courses on taxes, stock investing, staring your own business, real estate, and job skills.
Technology courses are also a significant area of the curriculum covering everything from use of Windows to surfing the web, photo manipulation to Power Point.
Of course, the school did not give up on the arts and features a variety of classes in watercolors, pottery and photography among others.
Cooking and practical arts also are featured including sewing and crocheting. Ballroom dancing, Salsa and the Meringue are on the schedule as well, along with volleyball, tennis, boating skills and golf.
Italian and Spanish classes are also available, along with personal improvement classes such as aerobics, yoga, skin care and others.
If that wasn’t enough, you can also get piano lessons, driving courses and baseball pitching tips, along with interior design advice and workshops for panic and anxiety. For those needing basic skills, the school provides classes in English as a Second Language and High School certification preparation.
Students from all walks of life
Many of the people who come to the Secaucus Community Education program are regular folks, housewives or truck drivers, of the office workers from other parts of the county, who find pleasure in taking up some new subject with each visit. Some come for very practical reasons, looking to further their careers by learning more about the jobs they currently do, or learn some new skill that will allow them to later seek different employment.
Teachers of these courses come from a variety of backgrounds. Some are teachers during the day, some are business people and other professionals seeking to share their skills, while others are people with a particular artistic career or personal hobby. For most of these courses, teachers do not need s teaching certificate, just some subject that might prove interesting to the community.
The list of classes can be obtained by calling the high school during daytime hours at (201) 974-2027.