Yankee Doodle Dandy??

Dear Editor:

I think it’s about time that the “powers to be” got together and did something to bring back the fireworks display over the Hudson River for Independence Day. It’s a shame that this event hasn’t taken place in such a long time, but what is even worse is that no one seems to care or wants to do anything to rectify the situation and bring back this July 4th tradition.

Kids and adults of all ages love to see fireworks displays, and what better backdrop is there than the skyline of New York City? People come to Weehawken (and other neighboring towns) in droves to “see” the fireworks display that Macy’s performs over the East River, even though there is really nothing to be seen. So every year mobs of people from all over NJ come to Weehawken for no apparent reason, causing havoc, littering our streets, fighting over parking spaces and jamming our streets with bumper to bumper traffic while town residents must be totally inconvenienced by this non-existent event. July 4th is a celebration of our country’s freedom; let the fireworks begin (over the Hudson River) hopefully in 2006.

Artie Strandberg


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