Men of high aspirations

Dear Editor:

In a recent Between the Lines column by Al Sullivan, he projects a political scenario concerning the future political activities of Senator Robert Menendez and Governor Jon Corzine. However, a misinterpretation seems to have been placed on the events which brought these eminent political figures to their present places.

It is suggested that if Senator Hillary Clinton is elected President, Corzine will relinquish his current rank to accept a White House cabinet post while Menendez will slide into the Governor’s office.

This forecast would have some merit ordinarily but, in dealing with our senator and governor, these tactics would likely not apply. Senator Menendez, an effective and qualified politician, has experienced a meteoric ascension from mayor to state legislator to United States representative to United States senator and would probably entertain favorably the opportunity to become governor since, during the last 30 years, three former governors, Jimmy Carter, William Clinton and George W. Bush have risen even higher on the political scale. Similarly, Governor Corzine, a superb financier in the private sector, has had an exceedingly accelerated political trip from senator to governor which, by comparison, is far more considerable than a cabinet post, in addition to leading the way for more ambitious pursuits.

The State of New Jersey would, indeed, be fortunate to have men of high aspirations for it was Cicero who said that there is to be found an insatiable desire for honor, command, power and glory in men of the highest character and noblest genius.

Howard Lawson


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