Grateful to all for quick response to devastating fire

Dear Editor:

On Mother’s Day, May 11, 2008, a horrendous fire stunned our neighborhood. Four homes were affected; one home had to be demolished completely leaving three brothers homeless.

I would like to thank the Jersey City Fire Department for their quick response, the Jersey City Police Department for keeping everything orderly and The Jersey City Incinerator Authority for their timely clean up of the area.

I would be remiss if not to say thank you to Jimmy King and his Civic Association who immediately contacted the hotel where the brothers were placed after the fire. Jimmy asked the management to extend the brothers stay in order to enable time to find a suitable residence.

Mr. King was also instrumental in locating a permanent dwelling for these unfortunate brothers. Jimmy King is always there when our neighborhood needs him.

Maureen O’Neill
President of St. Paul’s Ave.
Block Association


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