Obama is the best candidate for Hudson County

Dear Editor:

Now that the respective conventions are over, it is time for all voters to begin thinking in earnest as to who will lead the United States during the next four years.

Hudson County voters should make their choice based on what is best for themselves, their families, their job security, their community, their county and their country.

If they do, the choice for President has to be Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee for President. His agenda not only for change but for the middle class is an agenda for Hudson County. He is the only candidate, and the Democratic Party, the only party that will deliver for our constituency in Hudson County.

I am both proud and privileged to be a candidate for re-election to the Board of Chosen Freeholders on the Barack Obama Democratic ticket. Aside from the fact that this campaign will hold a specific place in our nation’s history in which an African-American ran for President on a major ticket, it presents a unique opportunity to the voters of Hudson County to demonstrate that they believe in the American dream.

Please also support my running mates – U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg, Congressmen Steven Rothman, Donald Payne, Albio Sires, along with my freeholder colleague candidates Doreen DiDomenico, Albert Cifelli, Thomas Liggio, Eliu Rivera, Tilo Rivas, Jose Munoz, William O’Dea and our newest candidate, Anthony Romano of Hoboken.

All of the candidates on the Democratic ticket have demonstrated their respect and concern for the citizens of Hudson County. They deserve our support.

Sincerely yours,
Jeffrey Dublin
Freeholder Chairman


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