Eight is enough

Dear Editor:

We have suffered through the failed leadership of George Bush and Dick Cheney for 8 very long years. We have seen the fruits of the Republican leadership and John McCain’s unending push towards deregulation of financial markets and their obsessive pursuit of Saddam Hussein and his “weapons of mass destruction” costing hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of American lives, and tens of thousands of wounded and disabled veterans whose lives will never be the same.
In 2000, Bill Clinton handed over to George Bush a robust economy with a record national surplus and a country at peace, respected in the international community. In 2008, George Bush is leaving the next President a war that has lasted longer th an our role in World War II, with no end in sight; a record national deficit, about to grow dramatically larger by several hundred billion dollars, and an economy in crisis with record numbers of foreclosures, as hundreds of thousands of hard working americans lose their homes and their life savings.

We in Hoboken can do our part to say: “EIGHT IS ENOUGH”.

We do not need to continue the failed policies of the Bush/Cheney White House in the form of John McCain and Sarah Palin. What we need is a fresh start and a new approach to government in Washington with Barack Obama in the White House. George Bush’s leadership has failed us and failed our economy. For the past 8 years, John McCain was with George Bush every step of the way, voting with George Bush more than 90% of the time.

Along with the Hoboken Democratic Party, I supported and worked for Hillary Clinton during the primary election. Today the Hoboken Democratic Party has come together throwing its complete, passionate and undivided support behind Barack Obama’s candidacy. There is no question that Barack Obama is an outstanding candidate and he will be an outstanding leader for our nation.

If we want change, and you think that we deserve better than what George Bush and the Republican leadership has given us the last 8 years, we need to get out election day and make it happen. If you are not registered, time is running out for you to get registered so that your vote is counted. A strong turnout in Hoboken can make the difference for whether Barack Obama will win the Garden State. Stop by the Hoboken Democratic Party Headquarters to fill out your registration materials, at 12 Hudson Place, opposite the PATH station, or visit www.VoteForChange.com and get everything you need to check on your registration status and get registered for this election.

The stakes are too high, and this election is too important for your vote not to be counted.

Phil Cohen

First Vice Chair

Hoboken Democratic Party


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