Dog attack in JC

Dear Editor:
I am a dog owner and resident of the Paulus Hook neighborhood in Jersey City. Many of us are concerned about the fate of the two South African Boerboels that were appropriately removed from their owners’ apartment on Thursday morning.
When people become dog owners, it is their responsibility to research the breed. Had the owners of these dogs done their homework, they might not have chosen this particular breed of dog to keep un-neutered in a city apartment. According to all the sites I viewed, South African Boerboels have a strong guard instinct. They are wary of strangers, and will jump in to protect their owners if they sense danger. These are not necessarily negative traits but I have to wonder at the appropriateness of owning this breed in an urban area.
As all of us who own dogs know, the more aggressive the animal, the more you must do to control him. It is not acceptable to “train” a large dog to jump up and as described in the Jersey Journal by the owner, “give a kiss” to a stranger in the street. I routinely admonish my 30 pound dog for attempting to jump up on strangers or even friends.
I believe these dogs were not correctly kept or trained and should be removed from the owners’ care. They should be rescued, and not be put down if possible. It’s sad that these animals must pay for their owners’ irresponsible behavior.

Stephanie Daniels

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