Castellano endorses Mason for Hoboken mayor

Hoboken 1st Ward Councilwoman Theresa Castellano has decided to endorse 2nd Ward Councilwoman Beth Mason for mayor. Political sources expect that, since Castellano is a cousin of 3rd Ward Councilman Michael Russo and often votes with him, this means Russo and his powerful supporters will endorse Mason too.
Castellano, Russo, Mason, Councilwoman Dawn Zimmer, and Councilman Peter Cunningham often form a 5-4 voting bloc on the City Council. Zimmer is running for mayor as well, endorsed by Cunningham.
Also running are Councilman Peter Cammarano and three independents.
Here is the endorsement letter:
“Dear Neighbor,
“After careful consideration, I have decided to support Councilwoman Beth Mason and the entire Mason Team for One Hoboken, in the upcoming May 12th election. I truly believe that it is the only ticket that can unite our community and fix the problems that are ailing our city.
“Working with Beth on the City Council, I have witnessed her dedication to Hoboken’s residents first hand. And while Councilwoman Mason and I may not agree on all issues, we have found common ground on some of the most important challenges facing our Hoboken. I am confident we can build an even great partnership to move our city forward in the right direction.
“Together, we vehemently opposed NJ Transit’s proposal to build a skyscraper on the southern edge of the First Ward. We agree that Hoboken must be developed responsibly, and that new development must fit the scale of our city.
“Parking is another issue where Beth and I have successfully worked together as council-colleagues. We both voted against putting parking meters on Vezzetti Way, which saved 123 residential parking spaces.
“Most importantly, Beth and I have been united in our opposition to the Roberts’ Administration and its gross mismanagement of the city’s budget. For eight years I have fought an administration whose failure to properly manage Hoboken’s finances has led to one of our darkest hours. As 2nd Ward Councilwoman, Beth has been fighting along side me to bring accountability and transparency to City Hall.
“Irresponsible spending has not only led to our current budgetary woes, but has also torn at the very fabric that binds our community. Finger pointing has divided our citizens and our City Council. I believe Beth and the Mason Team for One Hoboken can mend the divides in our community by representing all of our goals.
“At such a critical time in our city’s history, Hoboken needs leadership that can unite our community. I believe the Mason Team for One Hoboken to be the only mayoral ticket that has the leadership to unite our community and fix the problems caused in the last eight years.
“On May 12th, please join me in supporting the Mason Team for One Hoboken and vote for a ticket that will represent all of Hoboken’s residents.
“Mason 9A – Addeo 5B – Morales 6B – Pasquale 7B.
Councilwoman Theresa Castellano”

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