Zimmer team will bring real change

Dear Editor:

I write to urge you to join me in voting for Dawn Zimmer for Mayor on May 12th. As a resident of Hoboken for nearly 30 years, and an active member of the veteran community, I truly believe that Dawn and her team will bring the change that Hoboken needs.
Supporting Dawn is not a decision that I have made lightly. For the last two months, I felt, I “owed” my vote to a candidate who I had known for longer than I have known Dawn. But the more I listened to Dawn and her team and the proposals they have put forward to get our budget under control, reduce the crushing tax burden that is particularly hard on us older residents on fixed incomes and improve our quality of life, the more I realized that Dawn and her team are the best choice for Hoboken. Dawn brings the independence we need to get the job done.
Thus, I’m happy to report my months of procrastinating about how to vote are over. I’ve decided that Dawn Zimmer and her running mates are the answer for REAL CHANGE. Dawn along with her running mates, Carol Marsh, Ravi Bhalla and David Mello will make the CHANGES that our great city is crying for. The Zimmer team will listen to what you have to say and not pander to you. The Zimmer team will have to make some difficult decisions in the days ahead but rest assured, those decisions will be made intelligently and impartially for all of us.
So I ask all my friends and foes, to Vote for the Zimmer team. A team that will truly change the future of this city. Don’t feel as I once did, that your Vote is “Owed.” The Zimmer team “Owes” no one!
So on May 12th Vote the Zimmer team for REAL CHANGE, that will work for you and not certain groups. And you must agree, we certainly need CHANGE.

Respectfully yours,
John P. Carey
aka: Johnny Ricco

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