UPDATE: Attack piece on Cammarano removed from local website

A Hoboken-based website that published a controversial article Thursday morning about Hoboken mayoral candidate Peter Cammarano’s “hidden life” has apparently removed the article as of Friday morning – a rare move for the site.
Cammarano himself has denied the allegation in the article about failing to pay child support. He also accused his campaign rival of planting the story, which appeared just six days before Tuesday’s mayoral election.
The story, which did not include any response from Cammarano, began, “Is a truth not told also a lie? All six candidates for Mayor say they will bring ‘transparency’ to City Hall … one of the leading candidates has been misleading voters about his life story for all his years in the public eye … Now that he’s seeking the highest office in the city, it’s time for the truth about Peter be told. This is not a joke. This is not a political smear.” The story was titled “Peter Cammarano’s hidden life.”
For more on this controversy, see our prior piece below.

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