Russo endorses Mason for Hoboken mayor

As long anticipated, 3rd Ward Councilman Michael Russo, who last year was considering running for mayor himself, has decided to endorse Councilwoman Beth Mason in the May 12 mayoral race. The endorsement has been suspected for some time, especially since Mason recently worked with Russo on voting to continue a tax abatement agreement for the moderate income Church Towers building (where Russo’s family and neighbors live).

Below is Russo’s letter about why she should be mayor instead of her opponents (two of whom are also on the council). What do you think? Comment below!

“Dear Friend and Neighbor,

“I would like to take this opportunity to announce my support for Beth Mason and the entire ‘Mason Team for Hoboken’ in the upcoming election on Tuesday May 12. This team has the character, professionalism, and dedication to help fix the last eight years of mismanagement and fiscal irresponsibility that have plagued Hoboken.

“I have worked closely with each of the three City Council members running for Mayor, and I can tell you that Beth is by far the most qualified to be our next Mayor. She has stood up for the hardworking people of Hoboken by fighting to uncover how your hard earned money is being spent. For almost 25 years, Beth has called Hoboken home. And for many of those years she has worked tirelessly to help make Hoboken a better place for all its residents.

“Beth represents a philosophical and generational change from the ways of the Roberts/Cammarano Administration, which always put politics before the people. Long before the state monitor uncovered the many layers of wasteful spending by the Roberts team, Beth called for Hoboken to hire a forensic auditor and restructuring firm. Roberts and Cammarano fought Beth every step of the way to keep you from knowing how your money was being spent. In the end the truth came to light in the form of an 84 percent municipal tax increase.

“No matter how Peter Cammarano spins and twists the facts, he and Roberts are responsible for the highest property tax increase in Hoboken’s history. And Dawn Zimmer did not even have the courage of her conviction to vote on one of the most vital issue facing our city, the 2009 budget. She abstained, instead of making a decision and standing by her conviction. That is exactly what occurred in the mayor’s office over the last years. Our new mayor must stand strong and not act indecisively.

“As your 3rd Ward Councilman I am asking you to vote for Beth. She is the right leader at this critical moment in our city and I am confident she will help deliver a brighter tomorrow. The Mason Team will lower taxes, eliminate wasteful spending, ensure responsible development, and return Hoboken to the people. These are the changes we need to keep Hoboken affordable for people from all walks of life. Your support is vital and there has never been a more important moment for us to stand together.

“On Tuesday May 12 please join me and vote for the entire Mason Team for One Hoboken. Mason 9A, Addeo 5B, Morales II 6B, Pasquale 7B

Councilman Michael S. Russo”

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