Mason candidacy is historic opportunity

Dear Editor:
Hoboken is on the verge of an historic choice. We are in the position of electing Hoboken’s first (and indeed, Hudson County’s first elected) woman mayor. We are also in the position of moving forwards away from our local government being dictated to by the regional oligarchy known as the Hudson County Democratic Organization or stumbling backwards into its eagerly awaiting tentacles.
In their indubitable style, I feel the HCDO is backing both Peter Cammarano’s slate and Dawn Zimmer’s slate. Councilperson Cammarano’s advertisements proudly fly in the face of truth; even the neutral State Monitor has stated that Peter’s view of what caused our city’s current financial crisis is wrong. He was the mayor’s person on the council until he saw his opportunity. In a classic case of “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”, one of Dawn Zimmer’s running mates and her political mentor both have become deeply involved in the HCDO. Since her mentor landed a county job and her running mate was on West New York Mayor Sal Vega’s state assembly ticket it would seem that their definition of reform is different than mine. Another one of her running mates provides contracted legal services for Union City.
In the book “The Soprano State”, co-authors Bob Ingle and Sandy McClure show very clearly how regional machines and power brokers drive up the cost of living anywhere in New Jersey. The statewide influence of the HCDO has been nothing but negative when it comes to fiscal responsibility. We have a choice. I am choosing Beth Mason for mayor. She has lived in Hoboken over twenty years. She spent much of that time making our lives better by forcing open and accountable government while also helping local charities, even before she was elected to the city council. Her ticket blends legal, union and insurance expertise with a true community ethos.
Let’s take this historic opportunity. Vote for the best prepared, best qualified, and most importantly, least connected to the machine slate.
Vote for Beth Mason for Mayor and Vincent Addeo, Raul Morales II, and Anthony Pasquale for City Council on May 12th. Hoboken will be a better and less encumbered community for it.

Thank you,

John Stevens Keim

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