Zimmer team represents a clean break from the past

Dear Editor:
Before you vote on May 12th, there are a few things you should know about Dawn Zimmer’s record which clearly distinguish her from the other candidates. First, Dawn is the only candidate who took a stand in the recent school board elections, endorsing the victorious Kids First Slate and donating her campaign headquarters to their volunteers during the final days of the election. Second, Dawn is the only candidate that supported a 10 per cent cut in the salaries of the city council. Leading by example is essential for when it comes time to negotiate cost saving concessions from the city’s unions. Third, Dawn is the only candidate with the courage to vote against the extension of the Church Towers tax abatement. To continue taxpayer subsidies to people making six figures without protecting those who really need affordable housing is election season pandering. Finally, Dawn is the only candidate that has recently stood up for smart and sound development, voting against a resolution backed by the Rockefeller Group which will create a very large redevelopment zone in Northwest Hoboken.
On May 12th the ballot will be crowded, but there is one team that represents a clean break from the past. I will proudly cast my vote for Dawn Zimmer and her running mates – Dave Mello, Ravi Bhalla and Carol Marsh.


Bill Tobias

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