Help! I need somebody…

Yes, it’s true that during our Hoboken mayoral debate Thursday morning at the Reporter offices, we asked some offbeat questions to see how the candidates would react to something they weren’t prepared for. Two other blogs have somehow found out that Dawn Zimmer failed to answer who her favorite Beatle was, while Peter Cammarano named John Lennon. While it may not be as important as parking, taxes, drug busts in the projects, and corruption — and we got some good, specific answers on those questions — it was part of the lively exchanges you’ll see on our debate video when we post it.
Both HobokenNow and TheHobokenJournal had some interesting comments, so here are just a few excerpts of the things people just posted on those blogs…

“What happens when she’s asked about taxes or education? Too bad Lenz wasn’t there to help.”

“it’s tough to answer impertinent questions when you’re a serious and legitimate candidate for public office … anyone who gets a thrill out of this story should be packed off to responsible citizen summer democracy camp with everyone who gets in a tizzy over hillary’s pantsuits or obama’s bowling score for summary reeducation.”

“We are trying to hire a team to manage a 100 million dollar budget, and you people are worried about which one of the Beatles is the job applicants’ favorite?”

“Lenz would have been no help. There is no room for music in a soul that is dominated by politics and political gamesmanship. Although the question was intended obviously in good fun the fact that Dawn could not remember one member of such a cultural icon or at least immediately come up with a funny answer about preferring the Stones, the Who,the Kinks, Motorhead or being too young to care shows that thinking on her feet may not be her forte.”

“John, Paul, Ringo & George. Not only did I name 1, I named all 4. I don’t have a favorite & I’m not particularly a fan of them, that era or type of music. It’s a pattern now w/how DZ votes, or doesn’t vote. … She’s unprepared 4 class yet again, incapable of making a tough decision & just not ready 4 prime time.”

“I just heard from my friend that was at the editorial board forum at the Hoboken Reporter. Dawn & Peter were asked some off-bear questions, including whose your favorite Beatle. Dawn passed on answering that one. Peter said John Lennon. She wants to run the City of Hoboken, and she couldn’t answer a question about which Beatle she likes best.
Probably couldn’t remember any of their names!”

“Well of course, being able to name your favorite Beatle is the hallmark of political leadership skills! And I think you can’t get into Mensa if you can’t name your favorite Beatle & Monkee!”

“I checked with Tim Carroll of the HR and he told nme nobody was at the denbate but the candidates and the HR editorial Board. So I guess your “friend that was at the editorial board forum” was Peter himself.”

Actually, Stan Grossbard was also in the room, and he later picked Paul.
What do YOU think? Comment below!

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