Election full of apathy, ignorance led to re-election

Dear Editor:
If the Mayoral election results stand, Mayor Healy has been re-elected as Mayor of Jersey City. It is a sad day in Jersey City history, when an election full of voter apathy and voter ignorance went to the polls and selected, in a zombie mentality, the incumbent, who had little or no regard for their personal safety or monetary tax contributions.
This elected official, for the past five years, has totally ignored their rightful development in improving and upgrading their quality of life.
The people of Jersey City have unfortunately spoken with a soft whisper of mindless silence. They have accepted, with a joyous elated enthusiasm, the clueless disgraceful status quo, filled with incompetence, sanctioned thievery, escalated violent despicable criminal activity, high taxes, pay to play, gangs, dirty streets, greed, and nepotism, while surrendering their self respect and dignity. It is most unfortunate that the people of Jersey City had a chance to take a non subservient role in steering the course of their own destiny, but freely gave this precious right to the self serving, inept, incompetent, scandalous, and reprehensible.
Some may call this sour grapes, but it boggles the mind on how individual’s living in certain disregarded sections of the city, which are labeled war zone conditions, agreeing to increase their agony for another four years. There must be a sensible logical explanation or a method to their madness in tolerating these life threatening stressful reality of daily living. If there is one, I can’t find any suitable common sense evaluation in subjecting themselves or their families to this hazardous, horrendous self imposed fate.
There were a few bright spots to the election, not every candidate on Healy’s ticket received 50 percent plus one plurality, producing run-off elections. Independent Councilman Steve Fulop won a first ballot victory. Steve will definitely, continue to be a strong antonymous voice in a corrupt system, as he did in the last four year. He created a positive influence to a system in dire need of a continuous strong willed individual with an honest watchful eye. He showed constant strength and courage to vote against the Mayor and his peers, when necessary, protecting the health, education and welfare of all the people?
Hopefully these run-off elections will produce additional independent champions of the people. This will obviously enhance a positive atmosphere in the City Government. It will reinforce and solidify the City Council’s legal, legitimate right and intelligence to properly use, when critically needed, the appropriate checks and balances. The present Jersey City Council has been bought and sold. They are constantly used as a self serving puppet and rubber stamp to the Mayor. This must stop immediately without any hesitation. Remember don’t relinquish your sacred right to vote, together and united we can fix any bureaucrat or problem, it’s not too late.

William P. Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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