Officer down

Motorcycle policeman struck by car

Patrolman William Paynter, a Weehawken police officer for 10 years, was in fair condition Wednesday at Hackensack Medical Center after he was struck on his motorcycle by an oncoming vehicle whose driver is alleged to have failed to yield to him.
The accident happened at the intersection of 48th street and Broadway in Union City on Friday, June 26, at approximately 5:30 p.m. The vehicle is alleged to have struck the officer on the right side.
Officer Paynter, 38, was responding to a police emergency call when the accident occurred. According to Jeff Fulcher, deputy chief of police at the Office of Emergency Management, Paynter had his lights and siren on when the collision happened.


“There was damage to his leg, his knee, his wrists, and some broken ribs.” – Jeff Fulcher

The other driver sustained no injuries.

Paynter’s injuries

“There was damage to his leg, his knee, his wrists, and some broken ribs,” said Fulcher. By Wednesday, Paynter had undergone three surgeries as the result of the collision.
“He’s gone through a lot of pain as you can imagine,” said Fulcher, saying he hopes the officer makes a full recovery, which make take several months.
Once Paynter leaves the hospital, he will most likely go to a rehab facility to learn how to use crutches and a wheelchair, and slowly regain mobility.

Return to work

“All those things will help in his eventual recovery,” said Fulcher. “Sooner or later, he will be able to return on modified duty status.”
That status will allow the officer to be able to work at a job on the force that requires less physical demands while he heals, like an administrative desk job.
“And eventually we hope he’ll return to full duty,” added Fulcher.
Paynter will continue to receive full pay and benefits while he recovers, like all officers who are injured while on duty.
Paynter’s motorcycle was taken by Bergen Harley to assess the damage and to determine if it can be easily repaired and put back into service by July 4, or if the bike is a total loss.
Fulcher said the passenger vehicle of undisclosed make and model that struck Paynter sustained front end damage.

Union City will perform investigation

Because the collision occurred on the Union City side of the road, the Union City Police Department will be conducting a full investigation. When contacted about the incident, a report was in the process of completion by the officer that attended the call. Police did not say whether charges have been filed against the driver.
Melissa Rappaport may be reached at

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