Excessive overkill in law enforcement capabilities.

Dear Editor:
The commuters who routinely travel using the Port Authority Path Trains, located at the Hoboken Station must feel absolutely safe and sound, knowing that the Police are there protecting them against all deviate, ruthless activities of human despicable behavior. Their number one priority in aggressively attacking these misfits to society was using a strategic well orchestrated plan to weed out any and all potential criminal transgressions.
This marvelous unbelievable form of law enforcement observations wasn’t used to put an end to terrorism, brutal physical confrontations, thievery, muggings, murder, public urination, unspeakable sexual behavior, pedophiles, vandals, or graffiti.
On the contrary, these very important man hours were initiated for an even greater purpose. Which was most importantly, the elimination of all that we fear as a civilized community, rated high on the list, considered public enemy number one, a sacrilege of the highest caliber? This illegal act of shamefully evil performance of contemptible magnitude was the infamous carrying and drinking of a beverage on a public transportation vehicle.
Obviously, I’m being a little facetious, because the officers were performing their legitimate duty, which was enforcing the law that prohibits any and all food and drink on the Path train system. They could have also issued summonses, instead of warnings, to the unexpected violators. Surprising though, why would they start re-enforcing this policy at this particular time, which obviously inconvenienced individuals traveling to their places of employment in the early morning hours. This is definitely, in a layman’s personal view, an excessive overkill in law enforcement capabilities.
Maybe there was some sort of alterative motive, which was secretly approved and decided upon, by the high brass echelon of the Department, to screen high risk anarchists from boarding these rush hour trains. Hopefully there was special method to their madness, instead of the obvious unnecessary annoyance of the working class, who endorses and supports public transportation.
I have the greatest amount of respect for all those individuals who risk their lives unselfishly, and chose this most honorable profession and career dedicated in protecting and serving their community in every aspect. These centurions courageously defend life and property from unspeakable immorality and wickedness, while risking their own precious lives. This high esteem though, should never be an indication that we must follow and accept their questionable actions with blind acceptance and obedience.
We as Americans must never yield or give up our civil liberties. Our voices of opinion, freedom of speech and questioning the motives of authority must never be stymied, especially when it seems as though a regulation or procedure enacted is unfair, unjust or reduces our freedoms. Forced limitations without protest or appeal equals to a mindless populous, hypnotized into performing the wishes of the government, instead of the government working for and honoring the will of the people. We must never accept a reduction in our precious rights which is guaranteed by our United States Constitution. God Bless America!

William P. Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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