The Lakers and the Spurs remain undefeated and tied for first place in the Jewish Community Center’s Open Summer Basketball League.
The Lakers nipped the Celtics, 70-68, on an Otis Anderson basket with 10 seconds to go in the game. The Celtics had an opportunity to even the score, but missed their final attempt. The Lakers (3-0) were led by Jeff Harrington (20), Otis Anderson (15) and Marc Dennision (14). Leading the Celtics (0-3) were Damien Nelson (26), Kaycin Gregory (19) and Reese Luke (18).
The Spurs outshot the Cavaliers, 70-56. The Spurs (3-0) were led by Ezrael Barrtista (14), Samuel Bautista (13), Stanley Harris (13) and Ryan Villorente (15). The Cavaliers (1-2) were led by Omar Colon (17), Andrew Cabrera (11) and Roselio Utate (11).
The Kings downed the Bulls, 71-63. The Kings (2-1) were led by Anthony Green (27), Mike Saxton (20) and Tom Saxton (10). Leading the Bulls (1-2) were Nelson Majica (20), Oliver Kaljuvee (12) and Jon Damelio (10).
The Hawks defeated the Knicks, 71-55. The Hawks (1-2) were led by Fernando Diaz (28), Brian Kuffermann (14), Kevin Clark (11) and Mike Scocca (10). The Knicks (1-2) were led by Josh Myzlck (23), Matt Dunn (14) and Steve O’Shea (10).