A final letter commending David Roberts

Dear Editor:
It is with sincere emotions that I write one final letter to commend David Roberts, who has led our great city with great aplomb for the past eight years.
During his administration, our nation has undergone a soul-searching transformation as we have witnessed world-wide economic upheaval, a rise of global terrorism and threats to national security.
Hoboken, through its resilient nature, has survived and grown as a community. Mayor Roberts has demonstrated his unique talent as a leader to unite our community and build a solid foundation for our and our children’s future.
It’s easy to talk about accomplishments; it’s another to succeed. Mayor Roberts, I want to thank you for all your years of service.
I also want to welcome Mayor Peter Cammarano. I have watched Peter on the City Council and have great hopes for his tenure as our leader. Congratulation Mayor Cammarano and thank you for a wonderful inauguration ceremony.

Vincent Wassman

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