BREAKING: Cammarano’s resignation letter brought to City Hall by city attorney, effective at noon

Sources close to Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano confirm that corporation counsel Steven Kleinman has received the mayor’s resignation letter and was in the process of delivering it to the city clerk around 9 a.m.
Kleinman was seen going into Cammarano’s house on Bloomfield Street at 8:45 a.m. to pick it up. Outside the house were seven news photographers and two signs saying “Peter you are innocent” and “Do not resign!!!” They were signed “MC.”
Council President Dawn Zimmer will be sworn in at noon today. She will also retain her position on the council until the November mayoral election, a source said.
Neither Cammarano or his lawyer, Joseph Hayden, will appear at City Hall today.
The letter, addressed to the city clerk, says he resigns as of noon.
“It had been my hope and expectation that I could remain in office and perform my official duties until I until I had the opportunity to resolve the legal charges against me in court,” it says. “Regrettably, it has turned out that the controversy surrounding the charges against me has become a distraction to me and an impediment to the functioning of Hoboken government. This controversy has also been a terrible burden on my family. Accordingly, it is in the best interest of the city and all concerned for me to resign.”
“I apologize to the residents of Hoboken for the disruption and disappointment this case has caused. However, I would like to reiterate that I am innocent of any criminal charges and I intend to fight the allegations against me.”

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