To the Editor:
With the events of the past weeks, I am not surprised how quickly the truth was distorted in last week’s letter, “Let your voices be heard”. If Mr. Rodriguez had paid closer attention to the Web site, he would have realized that it was created to debunk many of the false rumors associated with the current health care debate. To suggest that the administrations actual intentions are to “monitor” and control our “freedom of speech” is idiotic and outright irresponsible. The purpose of the Web site is to provide Americans with an opportunity to research the facts and to combat the massive amounts of misleading information being perpetrated by the special interest groups who stand to lose billions of dollars with health care reform.
Mr. Rodriguez, you speak of threats of intimidation by the current administration, yet you’re the one who insults our democracy and the readers of this paper with your Orwellian conspiracy theories. Most ridiculous is your attempt to compare the current administration to the McCarthyism blacklisting mentioned in your letter. I am surprised that someone like yourself, who claims to have experienced the oppressive communist regime of Castro’s Cuba, could make such ridiculous accusations regarding government’s duty to inform its citizens.
And taking advice from a person who lacks the self-leadership to research the facts, and who quotes twenty-five year old Reaganesque rhetoric unrelated to the current health care debate, isn’t qualified to advise the readers of this periodical on what good leadership is. A person who uses the Constitution of the United States to create division and fear amongst his community is completely irresponsible and un-American; and need I remind you, a favored tactic commonly used by those you call oppressors of freedom. It saddens me that I have to remind someone who has lived in this country for nearly 40 years of his responsibility as an American citizen.
You sir, as a citizen of this country, are responsible with arming yourself with the facts of the current health care debate. Your conspiracy claims towards the Obama administration attempts to help Americans understand the real issues that weaken our democracy and community and provides a great disservice to the readers of this newspaper.