
Charges dropped against Judge Irwin Rosen

Two years ago, five Jersey City Municipal Court Judges were removed from the bench because of allegedly clearing parking tickets for themselves or friends, but residents said that one of those disciplinary actions was unfair. They said that Judge Irwin Rosen had only dismissed his own ticket because he’d been erroneously ticketed on a Jewish holiday, when the city was not supposed to be ticketing.
Rosen had parked in front of his temple on the holiday, gotten a ticket, and cleared it himself, on the record.
When he was charged, many said he shouldn’t have been thrown in with the other accused judges. What he did was a privilege given to judges, and he was a pillar of the community, many said.
Last week, the state attorney general’s office announced they were dropping the charges against Rosen. They said in a dismissal letter that the “dismissal is appropriate and in the best interest of justice.”
Rosen said last week that he was not sure whether he would return to the bench, but he was very pleased with the outcome, and happy for the support of his family and supporters, according to a published report.

Ceremonies for 9/11 in JC, but still debate over NJ memorial

This Friday is the eighth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Several events are planned in Jersey City.
At the 9/11 Memorial Fountain in Journal Square, a ceremony is planned at 5 p.m. to honor the 2009 Circle of Honor Inductees, including late Police Det. Marc Dinardo, Councilwoman Melissa Holloway, McNair Principal Robert Roggenstein, ex-Councilwoman Catherine Macchi, and former City Clerk Roberty Byrne. A reception begins on a ship at Liberty State Park at 6 p.m. Call (201) 963-6700 for more information.
At Hudson County Community College, a candlelight vigil and a poetry reading will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The college will also celebrate Unity Day, which will include cultural designs and foods, eclectic music, educational and cultural performances, and arts and crafts, from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Both events will take place at 25 Journal Square (Building B), student lounge.
In Jersey City’s Liberty State Park, a proposed statewide memorial sculpture for New Jersey’s approximately 700 victims is only in its beginning stages. It has caused some controversy, but there will be a statewide ceremony there on Friday.
This memorial is currently just a hill, and people around the state have complained that it should be moved before further work is done because it will block views of the NYC skyline.
The memorial committee said that construction will go forward.
They noted: “As we approach the eight anniversary of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, we would like to invite you to a reception at the site of the State of New Jersey’s Sept. 11 Memorial in Liberty State Park, in Jersey City. The event will begin at 1:30 pm inside the Railroad Terminal adjacent to the memorial site. There will be music, light refreshments and opening remarks.
“We are pleased to announce that Phase 2 construction of the memorial including the amphitheatre sloped towards Ground Zero that has been completed. The grounds of the memorial site will be open to the public on September 11th. This will mark the first time we have had a gathering of family and friends of the memorial since the groundbreaking in 2004.
The State of NJ 9/11 Memorial is located next to the CRRNJ Terminal Building in Liberty State Park .

Beldini, Cheatam say they’re not guilty

Reports say that the first two officials indicted in the corruption arrests of 44 officials and religious leaders in August have pleaded not guilty.
Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini, 74, and Housing Authority commissioner Edward Cheatam, 61, entered their pleas in federal court in Newark, according to the a local daily newspaper.
They were among those snagged by an FBI informant who promised to donate to a local campaign and hoped for development approvals.

Prosecutor: Young woman’s death in fire not an accident

A Jersey City man was charged last week with the death of his ex-girlfriend’s adult daughter. The daughter was found dead in a fire at her mother’s home, but police said she had been strangled before that.
According to Prosecutor Ed DeFazio, Romulo A. Gregorio Jr. was charged Wednesday with murder and arson in the death of 20-year-old Christine Mariano. DeFazio said it appeared to have happened following a confrontation. Apparently, the daughter had wanted Gregorio to stop bothering the family after her mother had broken up with him, officials said.

Another young man killed in JC projects

In a situation that has become too familiar this year, another young man has been shot in the Booker T. Washington projects in Jersey City.
Christopher Felder, 27, of Stegman Street, was shot in the back of his head in the courtyard of the projects at Bright and Fremont streets at approximately 3 a.m. He did not live in the projects and lived elsewhere in Jersey City.
Some of the shootings in that area in the last year have been said to be gang related, and possibly related to each other, but Prosecutor Ed DeFazio said that it is unknown whether this one fits into that category.
“It could very well be a case where he was not the intended target,” DeFazio said. “We don’t know what the motive for the shooting was, and that case remains under investigation. Anyone with any information, and we are looking for help from the community, should call the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office Homicide, 201-915-1345.”
DeFazio said the bullet came from a distance.
“Clearly the Booker T. Washington housing site has been unfortunately a place where there have been disproportionate incidents,” he said.

Walk for Alzheimer’s

The Alzheimer’s Association will have a memory walk open house, on Tuesday, Sept. 8 at the Atrium at Hamilton Park, located at 330 Ninth St. in Jersey City. The open house will allow those interested in participating in the Liberty State Regional Memory Walk to find out more about the walk and network. To R.S.V.P., call Elaine at (201) 261-6009 or send an e-mail to

Hudson County Community College announces speakers

Hudson County Community College’s popular Community Lecture Series will begin on Thursday, Nov. 12 with the appearance of The Learning Channel’s Cake Boss, Hoboken native Buddy Valastro. The theme for this year’s Lecture Series will be “Reaching New Heights.” Among other speakers in the future will be Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, author and scholar, and Rita Moreno, actress. The lectures will be held in the Scott Ring Room of the College’s Culinary Arts Institute/Conference Center, 161 Newkirk St. in Jersey City. There is no charge for admission.

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