Beth Mason’s anti-dawn petition ain’t working too well

Beth Mason has asked people who oppose Dawn Zimmer’s “dual jobs” (acting mayor and council president) to sign an online petition at
But it seems like most of the signatures on there are from enemies making jokes.
Fake names added to the petition include: “P Cammarano,” “Mickey Mouse,” “Beth ‘Crazy Legs’ Mason,” “RedHaven” (the handle of a generally pro-Mason, anti-Zimmer poster on another website), Homer Simpson, “Dirty Weenie,” Bill Clinton, and “Beth Big Bucks Mason.”
Someone also wrote in Beth’s name dozens of time with the comments, “VOTE FOR ME!” and “Develop or DIE!”
On the other hand, there are some comments protesting Zimmer’s two positions. One poster wrote, “No one person should hold both. It is wrong to set the agenda and then vote on it! Hello??? If it was ANYONE else, Mrs. Zimmer would be screaming from the rooftop of city hall….once she accepted the office of Mayor, she should have by all rights given up her council seat. This “waiting” to see how the election goes is ridiculous. I wonder how the people of her ward (who barely voted her in) feel about her not being able to fully concentrate on EITHER position and in addition, using her time and energy to run yet another campaign…who is minding the store?”
A second person (or perhaps the same one, as there is no way of knowing), wrote, “I believe Dawn Zimmer should resign as 4th ward councilwoman because she does absolutely nothing for us the residents of the 4th ward. As a 4th ward resident since she became councilwoman she has replaced commissioners on the HHA board that help the residents and replaced them with ‘her people.’ ”
What do you think? Comment below! You can use any nickname you want, but please avoid ones like “Dirty Weenie.”

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