Fielder’s position

Question: In high school baseball only, runner on first base; first baseman has one foot in foul ground as he receives a pickoff throw from pitcher. Is this a legal defensive position? Balk/illegal pitch?
Answer: Legal position without penalty. To comply with rule, all defensive players, except the catcher, must be in fair territory. It is acceptable for one foot to be on foul and other to be on fair ground at time of pickoff/time of pitch. (Rule 1, Sec. 1, Art. 4)
Question: In high school softball only, pitcher releases ball as a left fielder has one foot on fair and other on foul ground to defend against dead pull hitter? Legal?
Answer: Dead ball; illegal pitch; ball called on batter and all runners advance one base without liability to be put out. At time of pitch, all defenders, except catcher, must be in fair territory (two feet). (Rule 3, Sec. 1, Art. 5 and Rule 6-2-9)


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