Message from Leonard Kantor

To the Editor:
My name is Leonard R. Kantor, and I am a candidate for councilmember-at-large in the Nov. 3, 2009 special Bayonne election. I want to let the voters of Bayonne know of how and what I will do to help our city rejuvenate if I am elected to office!
First off, I would not owe allegiance to the mayor. Second, my main and only concern is to be responsive to the residents of our city! I am not seeking this office to make a career out of it.
When the mayor presents his yearly budget to the City Council, it is their duty to study it, evaluate it, and to reduce it where ever feasible. Each council member should then present their proposals to reduce the budget. When finalized by them, they send the revised budget back to the mayor for approval. For years and years, this has not been done because of career politicians who come first before their constituents! This is why we have had 32 straight years of property tax increases. A good example of this is Council President Lo Re and Second Ward Council Member Halecky. Both of them have been in office almost 20 years, and both voted each year to raise property taxes. Their record in office is a disgrace!
We can forget about reviving industry in our city. Most of the land that former industries resided on has been sold to private home developers. New homes do not help our city financially. For every new child that attends city public schools, it costs almost $13,000 per year. Look what happened when Catholic schools closed. Our schools took in over 300 new students. The cost of new students exceeds the taxes from new homes!
I strongly believe that our city must be run in a frugal matter. We must spend less and cut expenses to the bone! When our city improves financially, every one benefits. More information following!


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