Dawn Zimmer is doing the job

Dear Editor:
I strongly support Dawn Zimmer for Mayor. Finally, after so many years of mayors who have put their own special interests and financial advantage ahead of the people of Hoboken, we have a scrupulously honest, decisive Mayor working for all of us. It would be the height of folly to vote another candidate into office based on their untested assertions that they can do better. Dawn is doing the job and proving that she can run City Hall.
Dawn has hired competent personnel, reduced her own pay and that of her directors, declined her City Council pay, ended longevity pay, is requiring a full day’s work for a full day’s pay, and is working with city personnel and the Council to ensure an open and transparent budget. I am confident that she will submit a budget that will be as low as it can reasonably be given years of neglect of basic city infrastructure. In only a few short months, she is tackling the problems of flooding by working with state and the county, submitted grants to preserve open space, discovered and initiated emergency action to correct the egregious mismanagement of the Hudson piers, and completed an energy audit of city buildings that will save thousands of dollars in energy costs. Mayor Zimmer is also working with the State Local Finance Board to develop a fiscal road map to end state supervision within one year.
This is truly a grassroots effort. During Dawn’s three campaigns for Mayor, her headquarters are increasingly filled with new energetic faces as more and more of our citizens realize how critical this election is to the present and future of our city. I cannot emphasize enough how important your vote for Dawn will be on November 3.


Ann Graham

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