Playing the weight card

Dear Editor:
The Folly of Playing the Weight Card by Joey Colors Every time my wife sees Chris Christie in a Corzine commercial, she tells ME to lose weight. Corzine should worry about a Chubby Hubby voter backlash. The upcoming election is neither a beauty contest nor a driving competition, and both candidates would fail at either event. Christie is chunky, but the balding, bespectacled Corzine looks like the dour, pitch-fork-wielding farmer in Grant Wood’s painting, American Gothic.
Christie apparently forgets to register his car and can’t read street signs. Corzine only recently learned to operate a seat belt. Both Corzine’s and Christie’s commercials demonstrate complete ignorance of what New Jerseyans want in these lean times: (1)some stout-hearted men and women who will let us have our cake and eat it too; and (2) a law that prohibits any Governor from operating or riding in a motor vehicle during his term in office.

Joey Colors
North Bergen, NJ

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