Don’t let Elwell team fool you

Dear Editor:
During the ten years I represented the First Ward on the Town Council, I had the good fortune to work with the two great mayors, Paul Amico and the late Anthony Just. Each in his own way established a positive legacy and moved our town forward.
Unfortunately for Secaucus, our community started to move in the wrong direction with Dennis Elwell as mayor. For the last nine years, Elwell created a political machine that was based upon huge campaign contributions from corporations and others who were rewarded with lucrative, no-bid town contracts.
The Elwell years will be remembered in the future as a period of wasteful spending, a cozy relationship with the Hudson Democratic bosses, and government corruption culminating in Elwell’s arrest for bribes and kickbacks. It will also be recalled as a period during which our community was disgraced in the national media.
Dennis Elwell may be off the scene, but many of his loyal political pawns are still around and want to continue his policies. Included among the former mayor’s foot soldiers are this year’s Democratic council candidates, John Reilly, Dawn McAdam, and Frank Trombetta.
Four nine years, Reilly was Elwell’s handmaiden, serving in the fictitious position of “deputy mayor.” He never once questioned or opposed Elwell. McAdam presented herself as a free thinker but seems to have lost her independence when Elwell gave her a seat on the Town Council earlier this year. As far as Trombetta goes, he’s done nothing during his time as a school trustee, and like Reilly and McAdam, he is Elwell’s hand-picked council candidate.
Let’s not be fooled by the Elwell Democrats. All they promise us is more of the same. Higher taxes, wasteful spending, and closer ties with the country political machine. We just can’t afford to continue down this path any longer. It’s time for us to make a meaningful change.
The Take Back Secaucus candidates are our only hope to reverse the damage that Elwell and his team have done to our community. Councilman Mike Gonnelli will make a great mayor in the tradition of Paul Amico and Tony Just. Second Ward Councilman John Bueckner has proven to the people that he’s an independent thinker who puts the people of Secaucus above politics.
To restore honesty, integrity, and trust our local government, we need Rob Costantino in the First Ward and Bill McKeever in the Third Ward to join them on the Town Council. Both men have compiled admirable records of service to the community and will be true assets on the municipal governing body.
Yes, Dennis Elwell and his team have hurt Secaucus, but we can repair the damage by electing the Take Back Secaucus team of Gonnelli, Costantino, Bueckner, and McKeever on November 3.

Robert Campanella
Former First Ward Councilman

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