Thanks to all candidates, but vote for Beth

Dear Editor:
All of the candidates who have chosen to run for mayor in this special election deserve our thanks. A combination of family and professional demands make it hard enough for most of us manage our daily lives without adding the awesome duty of public service. You truly deserve recognition and appreciation.
A 20-year Hoboken resident, I consume a lot of media reporting on the dire situation facing Hoboken: Budgetary tricks and gimmicks that have left our revenue and expenses completely mismatched. Operating costs that to go up every year. A crumbling infrastructure. A guaranteed $50 million bond for a hospital that loses millions each year.
I’m seriously worried. In the business world this situation would send investors racing to sell off shares and lead to the failure of the company. After all, what is Hoboken but an incorporated entity with a budget in excess of $100 million hundreds of employees?
While I’m sure all of the candidates are fine individuals with excellent intentions, we need those qualities plus deep experience, a track record of success and a plan to move forward. After doing the research, I know that the candidate whom scores the highest against these criteria is Beth Mason. A look at her resume, her list of achievements and her plan to put our city back on track make her the obvious choice to lead Hoboken.
I remain grateful for all who have stepped up to help Hoboken in its time of need, but there is just one candidate with the drive, determination and expertise to lead Hoboken out of its current situation. Please vote for Beth Mason on Nov 3.

Kim Sample

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