‘New founding fathers of HFA’

To the Editor:
This is a long overdue letter of praise to the “new founding fathers of Holy Family Academy.”
The dedication and endless hours of a handful of people with a strong mutual vision have given HFA a chance to continue its mission of providing a solid foundation, where young women are taught to realize the successes that can be achieved in life through hard work and dedication.
It is my opinion as a mother of a recent graduate (Class of 2009) and current freshmen, that the Holy Family experience is much more than just a solid high school education. It provides much needed structure during those “precious” teenage years, it provides a spiritual well being for those open to it, it provides extra curricular interests to suit most needs, it enforces the concept that rules have to be followed in life (even if we don’t always agree), and last, but not least, it creates friendships and memories that often last a lifetime.
My special thanks to all of you who have made it happen.

(Class of 1980)

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