Crime is not down, what will Healy do?

Dear Editor:
Jersey City (alias “Gunsmoke”) is a disgrace beyond human comprehension. The mayor and the City Council have been sitting on their hands for years with absolutely no rhyme or reasonable conclusions. This has been in existence starting at the beginning of his first term and has been constantly escalating and developing into an Afghanistan war zone of intolerable conditions.
Mr. Mayor, maybe no one in your incompetent dysfunctional Administration has ever told you that there are no magical fairies that can wave their miraculous wands and end this tyranny of high volume violent crime, which is constantly affecting our lives like a monkey on our backs. You and the City Council unfortunately compound this unbearable situation, by having no well developed, thought out plan of attack. You arrogantly accept no suggestions. Maybe no one informed you, or maybe you are living in an incoherent state of suspended animation. You ignore the people, you ignore the law and enforcement, and you ignore your own self respect and decency. You and the City Council obviously can’t be humiliated and shamed into correcting this or any other high priority problem, because you have no dignity. This problem will not go away by itself, you and the City Council can’t click your heals and close your eyes wishing you are all back in Kansas.
This is real life, reality, and the more you hide and throw bogus statistics at your constituents, stating that all crime is down, when we know the contrary, the more uncontrollable this violent situation becomes. We the people, who pay taxes, live and work here day in and day out, struggling to place food on our tables and maintaining a roof over our families heads, are entitled to a safe environment of descent human existence, with the best quality of life. Most of us aren’t privileged as having a secondary home “Down The Jersey Shore”, as a safe haven away from this do-nothing corrupt Administration and dangerous atmosphere.
Some of us were born, raised and lived here all our lives. We stayed because we have a remarkable pride in our city and our roots. Some of us raised our children here and expected an uncorrupted safe school system dedicated to the education and advancement of our children. For the most part this didn’t happen, especially when the mayor controlled the Jersey City School Board, and this present day system also has its glitches, but we keep on fighting, never letting our guard down to improve and relentlessly observing their actions.
The mayor and the City Council are constantly looking over their shoulders and are more concerned on when, where, why, or how the next indictment is going to drop and in whose lap, instead of the health, welfare and protection of their constituents. Well, Mr. Mayor, if you took my advice and reinstated the Jersey City Ethic’s Board, and stopped illegal tax abatements, maybe your Administration wouldn’t have found themselves in this lawless predicament of corruption and disgrace.

William P. Frasca
Jersey City

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