Overcrowded pre-school trailers

Dear Editor:
I live in North Bergen and my child attends North Bergen Pre-School. It is a wonderful program until a few weeks ago. I am sure you have heard that North Bergen is housing the autistic children again and got 1.9 million dollars for this program, which is wonderful. Well, as wonderful as it is North Bergen has once again seen dollar signs and ran with it, without thinking about the other children.
My son’s trailer was taken away from him and his class and teacher and they were combined with the trailer next door. They went from having 10-12 children to close to 30. Their play space is now limited, which is part of the criteria. There is only one bathroom for 30 4 year old children. My son cried for 3 days because his class was now taken away. Me as a parent I am very upset. The answer I got was they would just put my child in another class. After receiving 1.9 million dollars they could not put another trailer. That is unfair.
I am not the only parent upset about this. I am trying to let this be known because it is not fair to the children that this has affected. They are 4. They can only say so much so I have decided to be their voices. I promised my son I will not stop fighting till something is done. So this was my next step. It may not go anywhere but at least I know it is one more person that knows about this. Please all I want is for a trailer to be put in for the children that lost their trailer and for the children that their trailer is now shared.

Thank You.
A parent

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