Gonnelli and Good-time Charlies: perfect together?

Dear Editor:
So a great many of the good citizens of Secaucus think that a nearly $5 million lawsuit against the Town Hall and resignations in triplicate excuse us from memory and morality? I suppose the firm of Snyder, Snyder, and Mutschler represents the best in us, huh?
God, that really sickens me, people. How dare you prize neighbors over the values our mothers taught us? How dare you make a mockery of American values? Just because you condone alleged bullying doesn’t make you good people.
And you, Mayor Gonnelli, you make me retch most of all for choosing between brothers-in-arms in the fire department and serving our small community as a just mayor. We’ve got too many egos in this town, and too many egos suffocate a small community. Really, people, what has become of us?
Mayor Gonnelli, don’t be party to an illegitimate system where cronyism trumps merit, where favoritism wins out over moral rectitude. Don’t sell the better angels of your nature to rub elbows with so-called friends whose alleged behavior better reflects rats in our sewers.
Face it: we live in a sick system of bizarro heroes and politicos with their price tags dangling from the seat of their pants. I suppose I’m so impassioned about this because I, too, have experienced the ugliness of a politically connected bully who prefers to prevaricate and humiliate to get ahead of the political line. To this day, I contend with this beknighted pest at an athletic facility where I work out and he practices his form of harassment and shoulder-bump intimidation. I don’t know what bug crawled up his booty. Anyway, this bully in the Sacco machine continues to cozy up to movers and shakers in Hudson County at political functions, calling them his friends. It makes me wonder if I slipped into a time warp when bullying represented manhood instead of psychosis.
Maybe I blacked out on common sense.
Mayor Gonnelli, I beseech you: stick to the virtues your mother taught you, not the brand of bonding the schoolyard learned ya. You’re better than that.
Aren’t you?

Mark Anthony Gutmann

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