Please clean up after your pets

Dear Editor:
An open letter to Hoboken’s irresponsible pet owners:
Have you no pride in our clean walkways, water front paths and piers, and parks, which are to be enjoyed by all Hobokenites, both two and four legged. Why on our daily walks must our pet parents constantly dodge dog droppings, why can other pet parents be as responsible and concerned as our pet parents who always clean up after us? How hard is it to clean up after your pets? Please don’t make it worst for the rest of the responsible pet parents in town. Is picking up after your dog(s) beneath you? Don’t you carry the proper supplies with you on pet-walks? We’ve noticed during the past four months that the uptown waterfront piers and pathways leading to Pier A are quickly turning into a fecal toilet. Here is a simple tip from our pet parents—either carry poop bags in your coat or pants pockets or attached to your pet’s leash or carry a supply of paper towels with you at all times so you are always prepared. If however, you are caught off guard, simply find a plastic bag from a neighbors newspaper, find a paper or other item in a public trash can or a leaf if in one of our many fine parks. Do your part and clean up, that is a part of responsible pet ownership.

Safe walking with your pets,
Shelby and Haley

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