Dog waste in Stephen R. Gregg Park

To the Editor:
I am writing in regards to the inconsiderate and criminal behavior of certain dog walkers in this city. The condition of the park, but most especially Monument Park and the section which runs from Avenue B to Avenue C, is utterly disgraceful. The amount of dog waste that has accumulated during the winter is unprecedented in my 40 years of walking my dogs in Bayonne.
These are not small dogs I am referring to either. I know that it is sometimes difficult in the cold, wet and windy conditions to clean up after one’s pet, but that is part of owning a dog in the city and if one is not prepared to do this, then paper train your dog and look at the mess yourself! Walking a dog in the park is a privilege, which can be taken away by the continued actions of such thoughtless individuals.
I consider myself a dog fancier, but even so I am upset having to look at and avoid this mess daily. Does it not bother you, the “offenders,” also? Judging by the amount, there must be more than one person. A little consideration for other people and dogs would be appreciated. Failing that, I would hope that our police officers would be on the lookout for such negligence and start writing summonses.


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