City mediates sports dispute

Mayor Mark A. Smith announced that the City of Bayonne is mediating a scheduling dispute that has developed between Bayonne Little League and Cal Ripken Baseball. In an effort to seek a resolution to the scheduling issue, Municipal Services Director Jason O’Donnell called a meeting for Friday afternoon, March 5, in the mayor’s conference room. Director O’Donnell joined Mayor Smith and members of the mayor’s staff at the meeting with representatives of the two baseball leagues.
Smith said, “I would like to thank Director O’Donnell for calling the meeting. The City of Bayonne would like to accommodate all of our youth on local ball fields in 2010.”
O’Donnell said, “The goal of the City Administration is to ensure that the children of Bayonne in both leagues get a fair opportunity to play baseball this spring and summer. We must remember that the goal of all youth recreational programs is giving the community’s children the chance to enjoy the games.”
Smith concluded, “The City of Bayonne will continue to mediate between the two leagues. For the sake of our youth, I would like to call on both sides to come to a fair agreement on scheduling the games.”

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