Kids First sums up first year, plans kickoff party

Dear Editor:
Spring is coming and that means election time in Hoboken. It also means the Kids First 2010 campaign has kicked-off!
In less than a year the Kids First majority on the Hoboken Board of Education has been a leader of reform by:
-Hiring outside legal counsel to review existing employment contracts;
-Uncovering and correcting irregularities and unlawful provisions in employee contracts;
-Eliminating positions: the Assistant Business Administrator, the Assistant to the Superintendent, the Chief Information Officer, the HVAC Coordinator and the General Technician;
-Accepting the resignation of the former Superintendent with just two months notice;
-Hiring a highly qualified interim Superintendent, Mr. Peter Carter;
-Witnessing the first ever presentation of the NJASK test results and the results of the Annual Audit to the Board and the public;
-Supporting the Superintendent’s hiring of Educational Consultants for teacher training and support;
-Accepting the resignations of the in-house attorney, the tenured Business Administrator, a Board member and the tenured Board Secretary;
-Hiring an experienced interim Business Administrator;
-Appointing long time community leader, District volunteer and parent, Irene Sobolov to the Board.
We are excited by the enormous progress and reform Kids First has made but this is just the beginning of a long journey. We need your help and support again.
Please join us this Sunday, March 7th to meet the Kids First Board of Education Candidates for 2010. The Kick-Off party will be held at Maxwells (at 11th and Washington) from 12 – 3 p.m. It’s a family event so please bring your children.
Incumbents Rose Marie Markle and Irene Sobolov along with their running mates Leon Gold and Jean Marie Mitchell will be available to answer all questions.

We hope to see you there,
Theresa Minutillo and Ruth McAllister

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